"Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises."...Demosthenes
Let's face it, most cold-call conversations with prospects lead to NOWHERE. To avoid this ignominious end, the opportunistic salesperson can still seek leads. Believe it or not, many prospects do not enjoy rejecting others, and may be inclined to provide referrals...if only out of sheer guilt. (I was raised Catholic. I know that guilt is a great motivator.) If you're on a cold-call that is veering towards a crashing end, consider this final plea:
You: "One last question, I was wondering...what groups are you affiliated with that might have members in need of the services/products that I offer? I'm thinking of groups like Chamber of Commerce or Toastmasters.
This question could be re-phrased to:
You: "One last question, I was wondering...do you have colleagues at any local companies who might have a need of the services/products that I offer?
- Other businesses in your office complex/space,
- Friends in other businesses,
- Suppliers who you work with,
- Vendors,
- Customers/Clients,
- Co-workers in a similar position.
Generally, when asking for a referral (any referral), you are much more likely to get a positive response, if you can provide hints and guidance, e.g. co-workers in a similar position, friends in other businesses, etc. This is always much more effective than the too-general "Who do you know..." question. It is also assumed that during your cold-call presentation, you have clearly articulated a product/service that you provide...such that the prospect can understand the value, and willingly refer you to someone else.
Whether or not, the prospect provides a closing referral, you should close the call with something like this...
You: "Mr/Ms Prospect, I am grateful for all of your input. Thank you for taking this time with me."