I know of a number of 'old-timers' in the business who have garnered some of their best clients through the method of contacting the 'Names in the News' section of their newspaper that announces promotions, new hires, etc. The advisor will note that "Joe/Jo Executive" has been appointed SVP of Sales & Marketing for Acme Widget...and will send along a congratulatory note to the newly-promoted person. In a follow-up phone call, the advisor adopts a somewhat flattering tone...and will congratulate the executive on their 'fifteen moments of fame.' When this approach works, it is most likely due to the fact that all of us like to be recognized with 'attaboys.'
Here's a variation of the same approach.
Many press releases can be found on:
- PR Newswire, www.prnewswire.com,
- Go to this website and use the Advanced Search function,
- Here, you will find the ability to search by Industry, Subject, Company or State. Use the State function, and select the state of your choosing,
- You will see a summary of the day's press releases. Most of them are press releases from the communications departments of corporations that announce: earnings, new products or services, dividends, appointments, etc.,
- Most of the press releases follow the guidance of PR 101...that recommends the use of a quote or two...somewhere in the middle of the press release,
- The financial advisor can use the occasion of the press release, and the quotes...to contact the person quoted, in the same manner of the 'Names in the News' contact that I discussed earlier.
In fact, many of these press releases offer some very interesting opportunities for the nimble advisor to engage the person quoted in the release. Since the press release announces a topic of immediate interest to the company or person at hand, the advisor has a ready-made opener to use "small talk", and connect with the prospect.
Don't you think that this is tad more creative (and fun) than calling random prospects out of the blue and asking them if they've ever considered the benefits of tax-free income?