How compelling are the voicemail messages that you leave? Do you know? Have you ever listened to what you say, and how you sound?
For all salespersons, voicemail is an ubiquitous presence today. Today, the Prospecting Professor will discuss voicemail strategies that are intended to increase the likelihood of a callback...which, in turn, will lead to the ultimate objective...a live conversation
The Prospecting Professor's Voicemail Tips
- Brevity. The #1 error that is made in leaving voicemail messages is leaving too much information. As Hemingway said, "Less is more." Rambling, long-winded voicemail are annoying...and unlikely to be returned.
- The Voicemail Objective. In most cases, the objective of messages left by a salesperson is generate a return phone call. In this regard, all extraneous information is counterproductive.
- Leave your number twice. Have you ever picked up a message on your own phone, and had to repeat it because you missed writing down the caller's phone number? When leaving a message, state your number twice...and you'll double the likelihood of a return call.
- Enunciate! Enthusiasm is important, yet speaking too quickly is a big mistake. Not only does it sound unprofessional, but it can be difficult for the recipient to take in all of your information.
- Inspire curiosity. Curiosity killed the cat...and increases callback ratios by 40%. Sales trainer Jeffrey Gitomer recommends using a first name,and a phone number generate some 'mystery' about the call.
- Use humor...yet keep it clean.
- Use inflection. Voice quality can be a critical factor. Stand up to increase your vocal energy level. Smile. Use gestures.
- Practice. Leave a message on your own machine. Listen to it. Critique objectively. Have a colleague do the same.
- Avoid the Eeyore intonation...the droning, soporific monotone that drives prospects screaming in the opposite direction.
- Ask a provocative, or thought-provoking, question.
- Write out your key points, or even your entire message, before placing the call. Unless you know how to delete your message and start again, you only get one shot.
- Be somewhat sneaky. Jeffrey Gitomer also advises using an indirect question, "I would like to send some important information to you, and I wanted to confirm your address."
- Never-ever give your 'pitch' on voicemail...unless you are giving away free stuff, like solid gold doubloons.
- Use intention. Dr. Marlene Caroselli recommends leaving messages with a positive mindset, with a genuine expectation of success. A brief meditative moment before the call may assist in creating this optimistic frame of mind.
- Don't pester...and never lose your patience. Never leave a bunch of unreturned messages within a short period of time. Some prospects never call anyone back. You can't take it personally. That's just how they do business. Getting angry never works either...the world is too small these days.
- In the good, old days, we were all much more naive. Many persons returned phone calls...within a 24-hour time frame. Today, phone etiquette, if it exists at all, is different. People simply don't call back. No offense meant, yet your call is not high on their to-do list. We are all pressed for time. We all have ADD. Return phone calls are not a priority...which is why a little effort into your voicemail messages, can go a very long way!
The most creative call-back strategy that I ever heard was from someone in the advertising business. They had been attempting to contact a very-important-prospect for no avail. Not only did this person never return phone calls...THEY NEVER PICKED UP THE PHONE, EVEN WHEN SITTING AT THEIR DESK. The salesperson knew this. He also knew that the prospect had a corner office on the second floor. Using Triple-A moxie, the salesperson hired a stilt-walker, to walk in front of the prospect's the very moment that the salesperson called. The stilt-walker carried a handwritten sign that read, "It's John. Call him back."
I guess you can do this in the advertising business.
That's all for now. Ciao!
All Sound Advice. The story about the stilt-walker is fantastic lol.
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