Bill Nicklin is the founder Horsesmouth,, the online Sales Prospecting and Best Practice resource for financial advisors. Nicklin is also a successful producing advisor. Over the past 30 years, he has generated in excess of $50 million in fees and commissions.
For those of you who subscribe to Horsesmouth, and are familiar with Nicklin's frequent observations, you will know that he overwhelmingly endorses Industry Immersion as the means for financial advisors to build relationships.
He writes about Industry Immersion again this morning in a piece entitled, "Seeking HNW Clients? Industry Immersion is the Answer."
For what it's worth, The Prospecting Professor wholeheartedly endorses Industry Immersion as a vehicle to build a stellar client list. There are two reasons for this:
- It is different, and distinctive. For whatever reason, not many advisors do this today. The industry seems to be moving to a generalist, all-things-to-all-people, asset-gathering model. Advisors who practice Industry Immersion go against the grain. I think this is good.
- It works. Industry Immersion is interesting for the advisor because, presumably, because they are pursuing an avenue that engages their attention. Moreover, Industry Immersion makes connections with affluent investors...which is the name of the game.
Action Step: Below I attach a link to Bill Nicklin's article on Industry Immersion. Go to the it thoroughly...and also click on every hot-link in the piece (there are eight of them). This way, you will have a library of nine articles that will give you the foundation of how to build a practice using Industry Immersion.
By the way, Horsesmouth is a paid-subscription service. If you are not a member you will need to join. You may do so by taking advantage of their 30-day trial offer.
(In the interest of full disclosure, I have been a past contributor to Horsesmouth myself. However, there is not a financially remunerative contract that exists between The Prospecting Professor and Horsesmouth. My recommendation to join Horsesmouth is due to the fact that I believe that it is the single best resource for financial advisors who want to build a thriving advisory practice.)
Seeking HNW Clients? Industry Immersion Is the Answer
Not only will you meet many high-net-worth prospects through industry immersion, you’ll also anchor yourself to a community of individuals who will fully rely on your knowledge, insight, and expertise. New business will develop naturally as a result.
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