The meaning of the phrase, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" is not obvious to us greenhorns and city dwellers. The age of a horse can be determined by counting a horses teeth. When presented with the gift of a horse, it is considered impolite to inspect the horses mouth in front of the person who is extending the gift to you. Therefore, the meaning of the phrase is...don't be ungrateful for unanticipated gifts.
The Horsesmouth,, is a website for financial advisors that comes pretty close to a one-stop shopping center for how an advisor can grow and maintain their practice. In my humble view, I think that Horsesmouth is a bargain for the most parsimonious of financial advisors. Each and every weekday, Horsesmouth publishes two new ideas that can help advisor win, and retain, new accounts. Moreover, they now have an inventory of thousands of ideas to refer to.
With the average client portfolio now at $159,932, it would take only one good idea each year, for Horsesmouth to pay for itself...yet I am continually amazed at the number of advisors who have avoided paying for this service directly.
Today is a good example of the value that Horsesmouth can bring to your practice. Elaine Floyd has written an article entitled, "The Evolution of Efficient Market Theory", a discussion of whether or not advisors should index or actively manage. This gets to the issue of if advisors should position themselves as asset managers or asset gatherers...the #1 positioning question that all advisors must answer.
Bill Nicklin has written an article entitled, "Power Up with a People Campaign", a very interesting discussion on social network theory. Although the article is short, the implications are long...and provide a great context for any advisor's business-building efforts.
If you are not yet a member, sign up with Horsesmouth today...and don't count any teeth!