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March 28, 2006


Miriam Lawrence

This is TERRIBLE news. I can't wear light green (I have olive skin and those shades make me look deathly ill). Whatever shall I do? :)

The Prospecting Professor

Miriam...Hmmmmmmmm, that's unfortunate, isn't it?

How about tidal blue? Or ochre? Herb? Pink? All of these are acceptable to the fashion mavens...as they pass judgement on what we can wear for 2006.

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How about tidal blue? Or ochre? Herb? Pink? All of these are acceptable to the fashion mavens...as they pass judgement on what we can wear for 2006.

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The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much, and studying much.

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How about you? Is it the coin sorter at your bank? Receiving something in the mail that you've been waiting for? How about finding $20 in your jacket pocket, a full season later? Please share with me the quirky little things that make you disproportionately happy, so I know I'm not alone.

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